How do we walk this path?

We believe in and strive for a better world! Therefore, we support and promote projects that operate in different regions of Brazil. 

[EN] Duas araras azul em cima de um tronco de árvore


Promoting actions to defend and conserve the Brazilian environment.

[EN] Um homem de camiseta azul e uma mulher de camiseta vermelha, sentados numa mesa observando um notebook


Developing and training people to exercise citizenship, encouraging learning, teaching, and research.

[EN] Homem segurando uma cesta com vegetais

Humanitarian aid

Activities aimed at social assistance for Brazilian society in cases of public calamity.

[EN] Um barco de exposição com a sua vela desenhada de forma artística


Promotion and conservation of the historical, artistic, and cultural heritage.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Sustainable Development Goals involve global objectives and targets established by the United Nations (UN), which are divided into four dimensions: social, environmental, economic, and institutional.

All projects supported by the Toyota do Brasil Foundation are linked to at least one SDG. Check it out:

[EN] Ação contra a mudança global do clima
[EN] Água potável e saneamento
[EN] Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
[EN] Consumo e produção responsáveis
[EN] Educação de qualidade
[EN] Energia limpa e acessível
[EN] Indústria, inovação e infraestrutura


Download the statute with the regulations for the Toyota do Brasil Foundation.



Check out the partner organizations of the actions and projects we promote!

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We believe in partnerships and in people's strength. Let’s build a better world! Together, we can make a difference!

Uma mulher de cabelos castanhos e encaracolados, sorri e usa uma camiseta verde.

Let’s do it!

Três pessoas segurando uma muda de planta

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